27 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba

100 Things You Can Do To Save Money Right Now

Economic Meltdown Survival Guide
100 Things You Can Do To Save Money Right Now

This Free eBook consists of ten major headlines and 100 minor headlines. Details are in the book, here is the titles :

Getting Around
01. Toss the Junk in Your Trunk
02. Slow Down
03. Cruise Your Way To Savings
04. Carpool
05. Downsize your Car
06. Delay Maintenance
07. Check tire pressure
08. Renegotiate Your Car Insurance
09. Clean Your Air Filter
10. Wash Your Own Car

Home Savings
11. Get a Frugal Facelift
12. Blow Some Hot Air
13. It's a Wrap
14. Program Your Cool and Hot Air
15. Assess the Damage
16. Do Retro-Style Laundry
17. Clean Your Own House
18. Make a Change
19. What's Covered?
20. Become an Energy Cop

The Bills
21. Create a Budget
22. Do All of Your Banking Online
23. Grow Your Small Change
24. Live in Cash
25. Can You Hear The Savings Now?
26. Lower Those Rates
27. Talk To Ma Bell
28. Cut The Cards
29. Refinance mortgage and car loans
30. Dial Up for Dollars

Eat for Less
31. The Big Freeze.
32. Save Your Veggies
33. Do Brunch
34. Reward Yourself.
35. Supersize It
36. Leave The Right Tip
37. Love Leftovers
38. Join the Club
39. Grocery Shop Online
40. Ban Cookbooks

41. Swap Parties
42. Play The Rewards Game
43. Buy Used
44. Don't Pay Full Price For Anything
45. Recycle
46. Coupon Codes
47. Sell, Don't Shop
48. Haggle, Bargain and Barter
49. Be Faithful To Your List
50. Be A Recessionista

Looking and Feeling Good on a Budget
51. Ditch the Gym
52. Try Everything Once
53. Beauty School Freebies
54. TV Workout
55. Simplify Your Beauty Bag
56. Beg, Borrow (but don't steal)
57. Mani-pedi parties
58. Houseworkout
59. Free Beauty Samples
60. Curb Your Bottle Habit

Entertainment (Enjoy Yourself)
61. At Home on Demand
62. Become a Borrower
63. Potluck Dinner Parties
64. Flash Your AAA Card
65. Game night
66. Save With Group Outings
67. Get A Free Pass
68. Use Your Community
69. Happy Hour
70. Matinee movies

71. Take a Staycation
72. Work For It
73. Roll Like Goldilocks
74. Bus it!
75. Rent Wisely
76. Off-Season or Out-of-the-Way
78. Go All In
79. Hostel, not Hotel
80. Brown-bag it

Stay Healthy For Free
81. Wet Your Palate
82. Go Fish
83. Take a Constitutional
84. Be A Stair Master
85. Air Your Laundry
86. Tune In For Time Outs
87. Belt It Out
88. Be Fruity
89. Watch Your Zzzzzs
90. Do A Brain Workout

Don't Just Survive: Thrive!
91. Declare a Spending Freeze
92. Go The Extra Mile
93. Think Small
94. Be Grateful
95. Include the Kids
96. Network
97. Be Your Own Pro
98. Work a Second Job
99. Learn New Skills
100. Don't Forget to Laugh

If this list seems overwhelming, remember: you don’t have to do everything today. Read through the list and choose 10 things that you think you can do right now. When you’ve done those ten things, come back to this list and pick another 10 ways to save.

The financial crisis isn’t going away overnight, but there are definitely things that you can do to improve your own economy – one step at a time.

Ready to save? Let’s get started!


Economic Meltdown Survival Guide, 100 Things You Can Do To Save Money Right Now, 100 Things You Can Do To Survive The Economic Meltdown

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